How to Add an Event to a Team Schedule

  1. Navigate to Teams: From the Side Navigation Bar, click on "Teams".

  1. Locate Team Name: Find and click on the team name you wish to modify. Use the Search Bar for quick access if necessary.

  1. Choose Team Schedule: Click on the "Team Schedule" tab.

  1. Add Team Schedule: Click on the "+Add Team Schedule" button.

  1. Enter Team Event Info: Fill in the required information for a new team event.

  1. Continue: Once the new team event info has been completed, click on the "Continue" button.

  1. Enter Event Location info: Fill in the location details of the new event.

  1. Continue: Once the event location details have been added, click on the "Continue" button.

  1. Add Notes: If applicable, enter additional notes for the new event.

  1. Create New Event: Once all details have been added and reviewed, click on the "Create" button.

  1. Confirmation: The new event has been added to the team's schedule.
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