How to Add a New Role

  1. Navigate to Staff: From the Side Navigation Bar, click on the dropdown arrow next to "Staff".

  1. Locate Roles: Click on "Roles".

  1. Add New Role: Locate and click on the "+ Add New Role" button.

  1. Enter Details: Add a name for the new role and add permissions for the new role by clicking on the arrows to the right of each section and selecting the desired permission boxes.

  1. Proceed to the Next Screen: Click the "Continue" button to proceed to the next screen.

  1. Assign Users: Click on the "+ Assign User" button if you are ready to assign users to the role. *See How to Assign Users to a Role article for help, if needed. Note: Skip this step if you are not yet ready to assign users.

  1. Create Role: Click on the "Create Role" button.

  1. Confirmation: The New Role will now appear in the list of "Active Roles".
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